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Plumbing Myths Debunked: What You Need to Know

Plumbing is one of those areas where myths and misconceptions abound. Believing these myths can lead to ineffective fixes or even damage to your plumbing system. Here are some common plumbing myths debunked to help you make informed decisions about your plumbing needs.

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7 Plumbing Myths Debunked 

plumbing myths debunked

Myth 1: "Lemons Clean Your Garbage Disposal"

Many people believe that putting a lemon in the garbage disposal cleans it and makes it smell fresh. While lemons do provide a temporary fresh scent, they can also cause more harm than good. The citric acid in lemons can corrode the metal parts of the disposal, leading to wear and tear. Instead, use ice cubes to clean the blades and follow up with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar for deodorising.

Myth 2: "Flushable Wipes Are Safe to Flush"

Despite being labelled as "flushable," these wipes do not break down like toilet paper. They can clog pipes, cause blockages, and contribute to sewer system problems. It’s best to dispose of these wipes in the bin rather than flushing them down the toilet.

Myth 3: "Hot Water Melts Grease in the Drain"

Pouring hot water down the drain to melt grease may seem logical, but it’s a bad idea. The hot water may melt the grease temporarily, but as it cools down further along the pipes, it solidifies again, causing blockages. Instead, dispose of grease in a container and throw it in the bin.

Myth 4: "A Brick in the Toilet Tank Saves Water"

This old trick is meant to displace water, reducing the amount used per flush. However, a brick can deteriorate over time, causing damage to the tank components. It can also displace too much water, leading to inadequate flushing. Modern dual-flush toilets or low-flow toilets are better options for conserving water.

Myth 5: "Slow Drains Are Normal"

A slow-draining sink or shower is often dismissed as a minor issue, but it can indicate a developing clog or a more significant problem in the plumbing system. Regular maintenance and cleaning can prevent slow drains from turning into major blockages.

Myth 6: "All Plumbers Are the Same"

Assuming that all plumbers provide equal quality work can lead to poor consequences. It's critical to pick a competent, experienced, and trustworthy plumber. Check reviews, get referrals, and make sure they have the required certifications and insurance.

Myth 7: "Chemical Drain Cleaners Are Safe"

Chemical drain cleaners can be harsh on your pipes, causing damage over time. They can also be harmful to the environment and pose a risk if not handled properly. Opt for natural solutions like baking soda and vinegar or use a plunger or drain snake to clear blockages.

The Best Plumbers in Hornchurch, Dagenham, and Romford

If you are looking for the best plumbers in Dagenham, Romford, Hornchurch, and nearby areas, then you’re in the right place. Our expert plumbers can help you with any plumbing issues that you may have. Contact us today at 08000282031 or 01708444685 or use our contact form to get started.